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Message From ARO’s Second Congress to Communists, Workers and the Toiling Masses!

Afghanistan Revolutionary Organisation (ARO), 3 December 2012

Message From ARO’s Second Congress to Communists, Workers and the Toiling Masses!

While the occupiers further enchain our country and Afghanistan is increasingly burned in the flames of brutalities, exploitation, suppression and murders; and religious fanatics shed the blood of toiling Afghan masses, Afghanistan Revolutionary Organization (ARO) announces the triumphant convention of its second congress.

As the political vanguard of workers and toiling masses of Afghanistan, ARO held its second congress at a time when the US occupation enters its eleventh year, the building of US permanent military bases have speeded up after the “Strategic Agreement” was signed by Obama and Karzai, and the puppet government criminals and blood-thirsty religious fanatics target our people.

Comrades representing different provinces gathered in the ARO’s second congress as reiteration of commitment to the liberation of the enchained masses of Afghanistan. The congress was opened with a one-minute silence in memory of Comrade Paghar, the founding leader of ARO, all other fallen communists who sacrificed their lives for the cause of the liberation of mankind, and the disposed Afghan villagers who have lost their lives in the savage bombings of imperialists and Taliban suicide bombers.

The congress was held in comradery spirit while the delegations were well-aware of their revolutionary and proletarian tasks. It discussed the world situation, world communist movements, Leftist movement in Afghanistan, and ARO’s organizational structure and leadership. The members reiterated their vow to persistently struggle against the occupying imperialists and their cronies, following the principles of Marxism-Leninism, Thoughts of Mao.

The congress delegation thoroughly reviewed ARO’s program and charter and adopted amendments unanimously. Also, the executive leader, members of the central committee and alternative members of the central committee were elected in secret and direct votes.

ARO believes that the chains of occupation can be broken and the puppet regime can be toppled through the struggle of disciplined organization, armed with Marxism and rooted in masses. A society free of colonialism and exploitation to be built on the ruins of the old society can only be built by persistent, revolutionary and uncompromising struggle of revolutionaries.

We also believe that the liberating revolutions across the world will finally disturb the happy dreams of imperialists, and the rage of proletariat would destroy the unjust world of exploitation and colonialism, and the “specter of Communism would haunt the world” again.

Down with Imperialism!

March on to Socialism!


Afghanistan Revolutionary Organization (ARO)

November 2012


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