Right to flee – Right to rebellion! Unrestricted right to asylum for all oppressed on an anti-fascist basis
Existing translations
- Recht auf Flucht – Recht zur Rebellion! Uneingeschränktes Asylrecht für alle Unterdrückten auf antifaschistischer Grundlage
- Right to flee – Right to rebellion! Unrestricted right to asylum for all oppressed on an anti-fascist basis
- ¡Derecho a la fuga -derecho a la rebelión! Derecho irrestricto al asilo para todos los oprimidos sobre una base antifascista
- Droit à la fuite – droit à la rébellion! Droit d'asile illimité pour tous les opprimés sur une base antifasciste
- Право на убежище — Право на восстание! Неограниченное право на убежище для всех угнетённых на антифашистской основе
Worldwide 60 million people are refugees, more than ever before. The basis of their existence is being destroyed by the crises and wars of imperialism. By means of the European-African free trade agreement, the European financial capital floods the African countries with its goods, wantonly exploits natural resources and destroys the existential basis of millions of people. The war in Syria was promoted by US and EU imperialists among others, in order to overthrow the reactionary Assad regime and tear the country out of Russia's sphere of influence. To this end, they made use of fascist groups like the Islamic State, which also spread their anti-human terror with attacks such as those in Beirut, Ankara and Istanbul, as well as in Paris and Brussels.
At the same time, the refugee movement expresses the enormous will to survive of the masses, who do not want to perish in capitalist barbarism. Since human beings exist, they travel to where they can live and work. Advanced cultures were founded by merging the achievements of the peoples. The refugee movement from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq or the African countries will not be stopped by isolation measures of the EU states. They are being welcomed by an exemplary and selfless readiness to help on the part of many people in all European countries. Due to the experience made with displacement in the Yugoslavia war, people in Serbia and Croatia defy hostile propaganda and help refugees. Sincere solidarity, altruist help based on an internationalist consciousness - that exists only among the masses, the working class, the militant women's and youth movement.
Seemingly, Merkel welcomes refugees in Germany with open arms. The refugee deal adopted on 20 March by the 28 EU countries and Turkey reveals the reactionary and inhuman character of the EU refugee policy. With walls and border fences in Macedonia, Hungary, Romania the external borders of the EU shall be completely sealed off. Tens of thousands in the refugee camp Idomeni at the Greek Macedonian border are experiencing a humanitarian catastrophe. The bourgeois refugee policy of the EU has failed. Since the year 2000, the Mediterranean Sea has become a mass grave for at least 26 000 people.
While the most decadent rich people of the world are living in luxury, millions of people are defamed as “economic refugees“ when imperialist politics deprive them of their existential basis. In the refugee pact the EU collaborates with Erdogan, of all people, who also promotes the IS and combats liberation fighters and the Kurdish people with protofascistic methods. He is awarded altogether 6 billion euros and the promise of visa facilitations for this deal. The measures decided are in blatant contradiction to the UN human rights and refugee convention: In Greece so-called “illegal” refugees shall be interned. All refugees who did not come from Iraq or Syria are generally denied the right of asylum. They are forcibly deported to Turkey which has been declared to be a “safe country of origin” for this purpose in spite of state terror against Kurds and oppositional forces. At the outer borders of the EU, further inhumane internment camps are created. Pictures of overcrowded refugee accommodations, that the governments themselves are responsible for, shall create the feeling that “the-boat-is-full“. But there is enough room. In countries like Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Spain, Germany the population declined between 2001 and 2011. Ultra-right-wing and fascist movements and their nationalist and racist slander is granted leeway. The perpetrators of attacks against refugees are rarely arrested.
In the middle of March tens of thousands took to the streets in the European capitals London (4,000), Athens (3,000), Barcelona, Vienna, Amsterdam and Berlin against the EU-Turkey refugee pact under the slogan “refugees welcome here”.
The ICOR struggles determinedly for the right to flee - irrespective of whether people flee from war, economic misery, environmental destruction or because of political prosecution. The ICOR supports that people stay in their home countries to wage the struggle for national and social liberation there. The victory of the Kurds in Rojava over the IS fascists and their most advanced struggle for freedom and democracy worldwide opens up this perspective. Since the liberation 170,000 refugees have returned to Kobanê. The ICOR agreed to a solidarity pact with the Kurdish liberation struggle in March 2015, containing the self-obligation to collaborate on equal footing and to support each other mutually in practical work. This spirit of proletarian internationalism was put into practice with the construction of the health-care center in Kobanê by 177 international ICOR brigadists in close cooperation with the population. On 20 November, it was handed over in a festive ceremony to the self-government bodies of Kobanê.
Fundamentally, the world refugee problem can only be resolved when its cause, imperialism, is abolished. When the international working class and the masses worldwide liberate themselves from oppression and exploitation of humankind and nature, the causes of flight and displacement will also be abolished. In the global building of socialism, every country also assumes responsibility for the others.
Let us clearly reject any imperialist division - let us organize the joint struggle in every country for better working and living conditions for the workers, jobless and refugees! Fight against racism! Fight against all fascist threats!
Everybody who wishes to support this path is called upon to join one of the ICOR organizations.
Workers of all countries, unite!
Workers of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!
Solidarity with the revolutionary liberation struggles in the world!
Signatories (on 23th May 2016, further signatories possible):
RCP Revolutionary Communist Party of Egypt
ORC Organisation Révolutionnaire du Congo (Revolutionary Organization of Congo), Democratic Republic of the Congo
MMLPL Moroccan Marxist-Leninist Proletarian Line
CPSA (ML) Communist Party of South Africa (Marxist-Leninist)
PPDS Parti Patriotique Démocratique Socialiste (Patriotic Democratic Socialist Party), Tunisia
MLOA Marxist-Leninist Organization of Afghanistan
CPB Communist Party of Bangladesh
CPI (ML) Red Star Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Red Star
Ranjbaran Hezb-e Ranjbaran-e Iran (Proletarian Party of Iran)
NCP (Mashal) Nepal Communist Party (Mashal)
NDMLP New-Democratic Marxist-Leninist Party, Sri Lanka
Krasnyj Klin Gruppa Kommunistov-Revoljucionerov „Krasnyj Klin“ (Group of Communist Revolutionaries “Krasnyj Klin” [Red Wedge]), Belarus
KSC-CSSP Komunisticka Strana Cheskoslovenska – Cheskoslovenska Strana Prace (Communist Party of Czechoslovakia – Czechoslovakian Workers Party), Czech Republic
MLPD Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands (Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany)
KOL Kommunistische Organisation Luxemburg (Communist Organization of Luxemburg)
RM Rode Morgen (Red Dawn), Netherlands
MLP Marksistsko-Leninskaja Platforma (Marxist-Leninist Platform), Russia
VZDOR VZDOR - strana práce (Resistance - labour party), Slovakia
MLGS Marxistisch-Leninistische Gruppe Schweiz (Marxist-Leninist Group of Switzerland)
MLKP Marksist Leninist Komünist Parti Türkiye / Kürdistan (Marxist Leninist Communist Party Turkey / Kurdistan)
KSRD Koordinazionnyj Sowjet Rabotschewo Dvizhenija; Ukraina (Coordination Council of the Working-class Movement of Ukraine)
PR Partija Rada (Party of Labor), Yugoslavia (ex)
PCC-M Partido Comunista de Colombia – Maoista (Communist Party of Colombia - Maoist)
PC (ML) Partido Comunista (Marxista Leninista) (Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)), Dominican Republic
PCP (independiente) Partido Comunista Paraguayo (independiente) (Paraguayan Communist Party (independent))
Signed after the release date:
26. PC/ML Partido Comunista (Marxista-Leninista) de Panamá (Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) of Panama)
International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations
- Office of the ICC -
Buerer Strasse 39
D-45899 Gelsenkirchen
Phone: + 49-209-3597479
Email: coordinationint@yahoo.co.uk
Website: www.icor.info
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