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You are here: Home / 2020 / The emergence of ICOR is a fact of great importance for the struggle of the international working class and the oppressed peoples and nations of the world

The emergence of ICOR is a fact of great importance for the struggle of the international working class and the oppressed peoples and nations of the world

Revolutionary Communist Party of Uruguay (Partido Comunista Revolucionario del Uruguay), PCR-U, 3 October 2020



The RCP of Uruguay sends a heartfelt internationalist greeting to all the revolutionary parties and organizations that are members of ICOR, which day by day and in the most difficult conditions persist, sacrificing and heroically, fighting by all means for the Proletarian Revolution in their country and on an international level. Through you we extend our greetings to the working class and the peoples of your countries.

We especially salute comrade Monika Gartner-Engel, the main coordinator, and all the comrades who are working on this task.

The emergence and development of ICOR is a fact of great importance for the struggle of the international working class and the oppressed peoples and nations of the world, in these very difficult years for the revolutionary parties and organizations, after the defeat of socialism suffered in the USSR and China, where the capitalist restoration has led from the vanguard and rear of the proletariat to become imperialist powers.

It has been very important for us, after a long fascist military dictatorship of 12 years (1973-85), the support of the parties and organizations at the international level for the reconstruction of our party in these new conditions. ICOR, today together with the ILPS in the Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Fascist Front, contributes solidarity, denounces, spreads and proposes a coordination in the struggle against the imperialist capitalist system, supporting the indispensable revolutionary work in each country.

Mutual support and solidarity, maintaining the autonomy and independence of each party and organization, is more important today when the world is facing a historic economic and social crisis, one of the biggest that the capitalist imperialist system has ever experienced, a crisis that is strengthened by the pandemic of Covid-19 and that the imperialist bourgeoisies and the subordinate local oligarchies want to make the workers and oppressed peoples pay for, which is already generating great struggles against unemployment and misery, wage cuts and the loss of social gains.

Crisis in which the inter-imperialist contradictions are also sharpening, thus also generating greater revolutionary conditions.

Comrades forward with ICOR, with the revolutionary struggle in each of our countries, with solidarity and mutual support!

Forward with Internationalism and the International Proletarian Revolution!

Revolutionary Communist Party of Uruguay

October 3rd, 2020

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