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On Saturday May 8: Webinar – The United Front gains momentum

ICOR, 5 May 2021

The United Front gains momentum!

Reporting, questions and discussion on further construction of the international anti-imperialist antifascist united front

Discussing on the panel: Monika Gärtner-Engel, ICOR main coordinator and member of the Consultative Committee of AIAFUF (international anti-imperialist and anti-fascist united front. A trade union representative from Morocco.

Further contributions from France, Germany, Tunisia

Time and date:

Saturday, May 8

  • 9 am (Rio de Janeiro)

  • 1 pm (Tunis)

  • 2 pm (Paris)

  • 3 pm (Moskau)

  • 5:30 pm (Delhi)

  • 6 pm (Dhaka)

  • 10 pm (Sydney)

Follow this link to see your local time


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897 6321 1919




Dear comrades,

our webinar "150 years of the Paris Commune – we carry the lessons of the first workers' state among the masses" had exciting and interesting contributions. It was a great pity that we could not solve the technical problems and therefore no lively discussion with the audience could take place. We will certainly be able to correct that for the next time. Despite all the problems and mistakes, the webinar was also an important step forward, because many comrades were there for the first time – as moderators, on the podium and as translators, and all the organizations had thoroughly prepared exciting contributions for the podium. If you want to read the contributions again, you can find them on the ICOR homepage.

 I would like to invite you to our next webinar. May 8 as Liberation Day is an ICOR day of struggle against fascism and war. What better day to present and discuss the building of the International Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Fascist United Front?

 We welcome registrations for the panel and moderation. Each panelist can make a contribution of five minutes at the beginning. As a conclusion from the last webinar, I suggest that one panelist briefly introduce the united front and its meaning at the beginning. Then the other contributions can focus on particular aspects of its importance and practical experience to date in attracting new participants to the united front and conclusions for further work. In this way, there will be more time for discussion overall.

Warm and solidarity greetings,

Monika Gärtner-Engel, main coordinator.


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