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You are here: Home / 2023 / Stand in Solidarity with the Palestinians! – Condemn the Zionist Occupation of Palestinian Territory Transforming It a Hotbed of Militancy!

Stand in Solidarity with the Palestinians! – Condemn the Zionist Occupation of Palestinian Territory Transforming It a Hotbed of Militancy!

P J James  General Secretary  CPI (ML) Red Star  8th October 2023



The highly coordinated and meticulously planned multi-pronged attack by Hamas on Israel’s military installations and cities on October 7, the Yom Kippur Day (Jewish religious day), exactly on the 50th anniversary of Yom Kippur War of October 6, 1973, is in continuation of the latest escalation in systematic Israeli police raids and attacks on Palestinians almost on a daily basis killing more than 200 Palestinians including the April police raid on Jerusalem's Al Aqsa Mosque, July raid in the West Bank town of Jenin, etc., No doubt, this biggest-ever retaliation from Hamas in 50 years is in the context of such factors as the simmering discontent, anger and frustration of the Palestinians against the Zionists, the total absence of any peace process on the part of Israel’s close allies and global players like US and EU who are only interested in using the Zionist regime according to their geopolitical interests in West Asia, and the unprecedented domestic opposition to the neo-fascist Netanyahu regime exposing its inherent vulnerabilities in civil and military administration including intelligence failures even as the opposition parties are united in intensifying the offensive against Palestinian people. 


At a time when the Israeli regime with the blessings of US, its imperialist master, has started talking of normalising political ties with the ‘Arab world’ including Saudi Arabia, which involves the granting of nominal concessions to Palestinians if inevitable, the Hamas attack has shattered such hopes of a “New Middle East” by Western powers. It has also spoiled Biden administration’s hope of resetting the geopolitical dynamics of West Asia against imperialist China’s penetration into the region. At the same time, as of now, death toll from Zionist attacks on multiple locations of Palestinians and inside Gaza strip has already reached deaths of many hundreds and many more causalities are yet to be reported. And more horrors are in store for the coming days. Liberation of the Palestinian people, one of the most persecuted and oppressed peoples of the world in the postwar neocolonial order, from Zionism and imperialism is going to be intractable and still more difficult at least in the immediate future. 


Meanwhile, the Western imperialist bloc including US and EU and their allies have, as usual, come forward unequivocally condemning the “terrorist attacks” by Hamas without even mentioning anything on the growing Israeli attacks on Palestinians and at the same time justifying Zionist aggression in the guise of right to self-defence, in gross disregard of such right to Palestinians. Following this, the Modi regime totally deviating from India’s erstwhile solidarity with Palestinians and as a mark of the growing Saffron-Zionist integration, has also expressed its solidarity with Israel without saying anything on the Palestinian question or on the escalation in Israeli attacks on Palestinians in Jerusalem and West Bank. Revealingly, prime minister Modi who has no qualms to declare solidarity with Israel within hours, had no time to comment on the prolonged riots in Manipur since May 2023 that killed many hundreds and displaced tens of thousands. Meanwhile, demonstrations in solidarity with Palestinians are already reported from many Middle Eastern Countries and even in Berlin. 


At this critical juncture of the Palestinian people, upholding the spirit of proletarian internationalism, CPI (ML) Red Star stands in solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians. It is high time on the part of the working class and all oppressed peoples of the world to rise up against imperialism and Zionism and unitedly come forward in solidarity with the Palestinians in their struggle for liberation. 


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