We demand the immediate release and right of asylum for Ecevit Piroglu!
Existing translations
- Wir fordern die sofortige Freilassung und das Recht auf Asyl für Ecevit Piroglu!
- We demand the immediate release and right of asylum for Ecevit Piroglu!
- ¡Exigimos la liberación inmediata y el derecho de asilo para Ecevit Piroglu!
- Nous demandons la libération immédiate et le droit d'asile pour Ecevit Piroglu !
- Мы требуем немедленного освобождения и предоставления права на убежище Эчевиту Пироглу!
The revolutionary Ecevit Piroglu has been in Serbian custody since 24 June 2021. The Serbian state violated its own laws and refused an asylum application, even threatening to extradite Ecevit to Turkey, where he faces long years of imprisonment and torture. Ecevit Piroglu is a long-time internationalist who has made great contributions to the revolutionary struggle, from the democratic struggle for human rights in Turkey to the fight against the fascist ISIS gangs in Rojava. The fascist Turkish state is targeting the leading revolutionaries and wants to celebrate the extradition of Ecevit Piroglu as a great triumph through dirty negotiations with Serbia. We will not allow this!
We call for urgent actions in front of Serbian authorities until the final court date on 18 January to put pressure and stand up for all persecuted revolutionaries! We also call for an international delegation, especially from ICOR members from Balkan countries to take part in the appeal hearing on site in Serbia as part of international solidarity.
Our fight for peoples freedom is legitimate! Long live international solidarity!
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